AC44 Phase Two
During Phase Two, we are reviewing and updating the 2015 Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives and designing "planning toolkits" for more detailed recommendations on coordinated transportation and land use planning. The goals and objectives developed in Phase Two will inform the action steps that will be drafted in Phase Three.
During Phase Two, we are reviewing and updating the 2015 Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives and designing "planning toolkits" for more detailed recommendations on coordinated transportation and land use planning. The goals and objectives developed in Phase Two will inform the action steps that will be drafted in Phase Three.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback on our first round of questions for Phase Two.
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Phase Two Recap
During Phase Two of AC44 we:
- Identified main topics for the Comp Plan and reviewed existing conditions and recent trends for each
- Updated Comp Plan Goals and Objectives
- Developed draft planning tools for coordinated land use and transportation planning and related topics (such as growth management).
What do you envision Albemarle County to be like in 2044? Conversations about the future of the county should not just be limited to County-organized events. Instead, they should occur wherever and whenever a group of interested individuals can come together and share their ideas.
Phase Two Steps
Step One: Discovering Challenges and Opportunities
AC44 Phase Two has finished this stageWinter/Spring 2023
Before updating the Goals and Objectives, it is important to review existing conditions and recent trends for each Plan topic. The topic area reports share data, challenges, opportunities, and equity and climate action considerations by topic. Each report also summarizes community input by topic that has been shared to date.
Community input from this Step will build on the Phase One engagement results and help inform the next steps in Phase Two.
Step Two: Developing Planning Toolkits
AC44 Phase Two has finished this stageSpring/Summer 2023
Planning Toolkits provide more detailed recommendations beyond the Goals and Objectives, especially for coordinated land use and transportation planning. They can create guidelines for development patterns, place types, streets, and centers of activity. A series of roundtables will be held to gather community input on developing planning toolkits and related topics such as growth management.
Step Three: Defining Goals and Objectives
AC44 Phase Two is currently at this stageFall/Winter 2023
To update the current (2015) Comp Plan Goals and Objectives, the AC44 team will streamline the current recommendations, improve consistency across the Comp Plan and related plans, use an equity and climate action lens, and incorporate the Framework. Community input from Phase One and throughout Phase Two will inform priorities and updates to the Goals and Objectives, including where new recommendations are needed. Open houses will be held to gather community input on Goals and Objectives.
Watch the AC44 Overview Video
Phase 2 Project Documents
AC44 Timeline (229 KB) (pdf)
Community Feedback Phase 2
Phase 2 - Step 2 Engagement Summary (633 KB) (pdf)
Phase 2 - Step 2 Questionnaires Full Responses (257 KB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Step 2 Community Chats (1.97 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 - Step 1 Engagement Summary (3.35 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2-Step 1 Questionnaire (859 KB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Step 1 Community Chat Themes (165 KB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Step 1 Community Chats - Full Version (15.4 MB) (pdf)
Planning Commission Work Session: November 14, 2023
Planning Commission Work Session: October 10, 2023
Board of Supervisors Work Session: September 6, 2023
Planning Commission Work Session: August 8, 2023
Planning Commission Work Session: April 25, 2023
Board of Supervisors Work Session: January 11, 2023
Planning Toolkits Topic Report (6.73 MB) (pdf)
AC44 Presentation July 17 2024 (1.3 MB) (pdf)