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Questionnaire #1: Current Policy and Priorities

Thank you to everyone who participated in this questionnaire. Review the responses.

We are currently in Phase 1 of the AC44 Update, which is focused on Planning for Growth. To learn more about the update process you can view Part 1 of the Planning for Growth Background Report: AC44 Intro & Background

The County’s current Growth Management Policy comes from the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. The current Growth Management Policy is to:  

Promote the efficient use of County resources through a combination of:

  • protecting the elements that define the Rural Area: agricultural resources, forestry resources, land preservation, land conservation, water supply resources, natural resources, scenic resources, historic, archeological, and cultural resources; and
  • promoting the Development Areas as the place where a variety of land uses, facilities, and services exist and are planned to support the County's future growth, with an emphasis placed on density and high-quality design in new and infill development.

Albemarle County has had a similar growth management policy in place since the first Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 1971. Since 1971 the Development Areas boundaries and forms of development that are envisioned there have changed and evolved. To learn more about the history of growth management in the County visit Part 2 of the Planning for Growth Background Report by clicking the image below:

When we use the term growth management we are talking about establishing a vision and policy for where and how growth occurs in Albemarle. It is important to note that when we use the term growth management, we are not talking about regulating in-migration and births; that is population control, which is not our goal with the growth management policy, nor is it something the County can legally regulate.   

As we consider an update to the Growth Management Policy, we are looking for your feedback on what is important in how we Plan for Growth with the following questions. We expect this questionnaire to take around 10 minutes to fill out. Each response is recorded individually. If you aren't able to respond to every question all at once, you may come back at any time and complete the survey.