21-Day Equity Challenge

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The 21-day Equity Challenge is designed to help us all learn and grow in our understanding of equity and its importance in our community.

Over the course of 21 days, we will provide you with resources to help you explore different aspects of equity, including race, gender, sexuality, ability, and more. By participating in this challenge, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of these issues and to take concrete steps towards creating a more equitable county.

Equity, both as a concept and practice, is about creating fairness and access to opportunity for everyone, especially those who have been historically disadvantaged and underserved. In promoting inclusive knowledge and awareness about our community, we seek to equip and inspire participants in learning how to imagine and realize a more inclusive and equitable world.

Quick-Guide to the Challenge

How to Do the Challenge

For 21 days, as community members and lifelong learners, we challenge you to commit a moment of your time to learn more about equity. Through our resource lists, you will find information that we invite you to READ, WATCH, and even places to VISIT that will aid you in learning the many ways that equity is present in our lives and our communities.


This is a self-guided challenge, and the reflection questions are provided as a means to help participants process the information throughout their journey. We encourage everyone to share their reflections as they will be considered in our ongoing work and support of the community.

Choose a Topic to Learn About

Our Office of Equity and Inclusion follows nationally set best practices. We selected the topics because they are aligned with the federally recognized protected classes from the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Engage with Your Local Community

Invite friends, family, and neighbors to participate in the equity challenge. Host a discussion or attend an event that focuses on one of the challenge topics. After you've completed the challenge - keep the conversation, and the learning going.

The 21-day Equity Challenge is designed to help us all learn and grow in our understanding of equity and its importance in our community.

Over the course of 21 days, we will provide you with resources to help you explore different aspects of equity, including race, gender, sexuality, ability, and more. By participating in this challenge, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of these issues and to take concrete steps towards creating a more equitable county.

Equity, both as a concept and practice, is about creating fairness and access to opportunity for everyone, especially those who have been historically disadvantaged and underserved. In promoting inclusive knowledge and awareness about our community, we seek to equip and inspire participants in learning how to imagine and realize a more inclusive and equitable world.

Quick-Guide to the Challenge

How to Do the Challenge

For 21 days, as community members and lifelong learners, we challenge you to commit a moment of your time to learn more about equity. Through our resource lists, you will find information that we invite you to READ, WATCH, and even places to VISIT that will aid you in learning the many ways that equity is present in our lives and our communities.


This is a self-guided challenge, and the reflection questions are provided as a means to help participants process the information throughout their journey. We encourage everyone to share their reflections as they will be considered in our ongoing work and support of the community.

Choose a Topic to Learn About

Our Office of Equity and Inclusion follows nationally set best practices. We selected the topics because they are aligned with the federally recognized protected classes from the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Engage with Your Local Community

Invite friends, family, and neighbors to participate in the equity challenge. Host a discussion or attend an event that focuses on one of the challenge topics. After you've completed the challenge - keep the conversation, and the learning going.

  • This is a self-guided challenge, and these reflection questions are provided as a means to help participants process the information throughout their journey. We encourage you to share your reflections as they will be considered in our ongoing work and support of the community. Your responses will help us understand our community's experience and make improvements to future engagement.

    Your response is optional.

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  • This is a self-guided challenge, and these reflection questions are provided as a means to help participants process the information throughout their journey. We encourage you to share your reflections as they will be considered in our ongoing work and support of the community. Your responses will help us understand our community's experience and make improvements to future engagement.

    Your response is optional.

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Page last updated: 02 Oct 2023, 02:53 PM