AC44 Phase 2: Housing

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Housing that is affordable and accessible is a fundamental need for our community.

This includes housing choice (access to a variety of housing types at a variety of price points). Housing choice enables community members to:

  • live near where they work,
  • to remain in their community as they age, and
  • to be able to afford both the cost of housing and other household expenses without burdening household budgets.

These benefits of housing choice are not only important for the quality of life, but also for addressing climate change. When people cannot afford housing near centers of employment, food, and community amenities, their commutes and other trips lengthen, increasing transportation emissions. Affordable housing located closer to employment and amenities shortens automobile trips and makes possible other transportation modes like walking, biking, and transit.

As we update the Comprehensive Plan, we will consider housing, both locally and regionally, and for both current and future community members. Virginia State Code requires localities to address affordable housing in Comprehensive Plans in a manner that is ‘sufficient to meet the current and future needs of residents of all levels of income in the locality while considering the current and future needs of the planning district within which the locality is situated.'

Building Upon the Work: Housing Albemarle

We will build on the County’s updated Housing Policy, Housing Albemarle. The Housing Policy includes recommendations for encouraging and supporting new affordable housing units, preserving existing affordable housing, increasing the overall housing supply and the variety of housing types available, working to end and prevent homelessness, and promoting fair housing and community equity.

Housing that is affordable and accessible is a fundamental need for our community.

This includes housing choice (access to a variety of housing types at a variety of price points). Housing choice enables community members to:

  • live near where they work,
  • to remain in their community as they age, and
  • to be able to afford both the cost of housing and other household expenses without burdening household budgets.

These benefits of housing choice are not only important for the quality of life, but also for addressing climate change. When people cannot afford housing near centers of employment, food, and community amenities, their commutes and other trips lengthen, increasing transportation emissions. Affordable housing located closer to employment and amenities shortens automobile trips and makes possible other transportation modes like walking, biking, and transit.

As we update the Comprehensive Plan, we will consider housing, both locally and regionally, and for both current and future community members. Virginia State Code requires localities to address affordable housing in Comprehensive Plans in a manner that is ‘sufficient to meet the current and future needs of residents of all levels of income in the locality while considering the current and future needs of the planning district within which the locality is situated.'

Building Upon the Work: Housing Albemarle

We will build on the County’s updated Housing Policy, Housing Albemarle. The Housing Policy includes recommendations for encouraging and supporting new affordable housing units, preserving existing affordable housing, increasing the overall housing supply and the variety of housing types available, working to end and prevent homelessness, and promoting fair housing and community equity.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    A goal is a high-level and long-term direction to fulfill the vision and framework. An objective is a specific outcome or target that accomplishes a goal. The goals and objectives developed now, in Phase Two, will inform the strategies (action steps) that will be drafted in Phase Three.

    The process of creating the Goals and Objectives included:

    • collaboration by an interdisciplinary team of County staff, in coordination with partner agencies
    • review of the current Comprehensive Plan
    • incorporating best planning practices utilized throughout the country
    • community, Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors input
    • Framework for an Equitable and Resilient Community 
      • "As we move toward 2044, Albemarle County aspires to be a community that is Green and Resilient, Welcoming and Equitable, Connected and Accessible, and Thriving and Prosperous"

    Read more about Housing in the updated Topic Report.

    This questionnaire is designed for you to share your feedback on the draft Goals and Objectives for the Housing chapter. Community input will be shared with the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The draft Goals and Objectives will be refined based on community, Commission, and Board feedback.  

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Page last updated: 05 Feb 2024, 08:20 AM